You Don't Need To Figure This All Out On Your Own!


Feel like you could do with advice and support from someone who's already done what you're trying to do??


Fed up of seeing everyone else's success stories online while you're still trying to figure it all out and not getting very far??


I can help you!!!


YES! I'm ready!!

Here's What's Included:

  • Monthly LIVE workshop based on the needs of the group
  • Monthly Q&A live with special guests such as marketing expert, copywriter, social media manager etc
  • 24/7 Chat room with like minded, ambitious women
  • Access to the Online Expert Academy to discover tips and tricks for building your following on social media

PLUS...Direct access to Claire and her team!!

This Is For You If...

> You have questions around building your online business

> You need support building your social media following

> You want to convert your followers to become paying customers

> You want to be surrounded by a group of women in a similar position to you, building a business

> You would like direct access to Claire and her team

Yes! I need this!

Why should you listen to me?

For the last 8 years I’ve grown a successful business that works around my family and my time. As a Mum to three young boys, I want to spend time with my sons, and earn an income from sharing my expertise and knowledge.

I’ve grown an audience of over 140,000 followers on Instagram that I sell my products and services to.

I make money every week from selling these services and products, that once they’re set up, bring in sales on autopilot.

I now help people just like you to share their expertise online so they too can make money from their knowledge and expertise.